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연구윤리 관련자료

A Guidebook of Research Integrity For International Scholars
작성자 gangsama 등록일 2023.01.05 10:47:30 조회수 251

A Guidebook of Research Integrity For International Scholars.pdf (4338 kb)

•  This guidebook aims to forster research integrity and to prevent research misconduct for International researchers in Korea.

•  It introduces Korea’s legislation system on research ethics and explains the investigation of research misconduct, and the scope and types of research misconduct.

Please refer to the attached file(pdf).

다음글 부실의심 학술지 예방 안내문
이전글 2022년 연구윤리 포럼 동영상 및 자료집 발간 안내(한국연구재단)